In the Meiji era, a master of incense-making, Yujiro Kito, originated Japan’s first perfumed incense, “Hana-no-Hana,” a fusion of Western perfumery and Eastern incense-making. For more than a hundred years, Nippon Kodo has continued to make this beloved floral incense.
Made from high quality sandalwood, Hana-no-hana comes in three fragrances:
These boxed sets allow you to sample the fragrances or to give as a gift.
The boxed sets can be refilled later by purchasing the fragrances individually (note that these boxes are sized to fit short incense sticks).
Each fragrance has a clean, pure aroma, yet with very little smoke. Even after the incense is burned, the scent remains in the atmosphere for quite a long time.
Burn Time: Approx. 10 min.
Sorry, haven’t used it yet
I got this beautiful box of incense as part of a wedding gift for some friends of mine. I haven't heard from them about it yet, but I'm sure they will enjoy and appreciate it. I have purchased these hana-no hana floral incense in their separate form for myself and my mom, so I know the wonderful scent and quality of these incense. I highly recommend!
I couldn't tell a difference in the fragrances. The scent seemed kind of cakey and artificial.
Pretty box and nice smelling incense. Thank you..
Sweet and fresh sents!