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  • Narrow Way

    A Book by Samael Aun Weor

    The Global Crisis and the Sexual Solution

    Even though we believe we are an advanced civilization, the problems that afflict us are undeniable and seem to be getting worse by the day: proliferation of nuclear weapons, deforestation, unceasing wars, political instability, economic hardship, pollution, social injustice, climate change, terrorism, etc. In spite of humanity's love for the theory of evolution and the cherished belief that we are evolving towards perfection, the facts prove otherwise: everywhere we look, modern society displays clear signs of devolution: widespread and systemic degeneration, decay, and decline towards destruction. Jesus, the founder of Christianity, said:

    "...wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction [the “second death”], and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life [the “second birth”], and few there be that find it." —Matthew 7:13-14

    In The Narrow Way, Samael Aun Weor reveals the secret teachings of Jesus that few have known: the “way to life” is within the marvelous “human machine,” our physical body. By harnessing the power of the sexual glands, we can revolt against the current towards destruction. This revolution cannot be done through belief but through action, through a method known since antiquity but kept secret until now: sexual transmutation, also called alchemy or tantra. The “way to life” is always sexual, whether creating physical life or spiritual life. That is why throughout the ancient scriptures there are clues towards the preservation of the sexual energy, the “living waters,” and why the elite of every religion preserved their sexual energy: they knew how to harness it for purposes higher than mere lust.

    The sexual energy is a tremendous power — it creates life! When harnessed and made pure — a process called “white tantra” — it creates life in the superior levels of nature so that one is “born again.” The “second birth” is the result of creating the solar bodies (Astral Body, Mental Body, Causal Body), which Jesus called "the wedding garment." With the solar bodies, one is awakened in the superior dimensions of nature.

    The Narrow Way exposes the ancient secret path hidden in all religions, and the source of power that gave birth to the most remarkable souls in history, those radiant men and women of terrific compassion and intelligence who embodied the best of what it is to be human. The power to become like them is within you, too. It is up to you to use it, to enter the narrow way to life...


    • Paperback 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • 282 pages
    • Illustrated
    • Glossary
    • Index
    • ISBN 978-1-943358-02-1

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 7 reviews
    An Extraordinary Book on The Way to Life

    This book is very very good and full of deep wisdom and Truth. A lot of information and sometimes I found myself rereading sections and chapters multiple times to really absorb the information and understand the concepts but very much worth it. Not an easy read but worth it for those looking to awaken their divine nature from within.

    Sheunesu Dominic Mugabe
    Excellent book for modern times

    The narrow way teaches all the clues in a very comprehensive manner. It answers many questions regarding the future of this humanity. Gratitude's V.M Samael

    551 sunland drive spc# 3 Deneweth
    Lovely items

    I love my selection of everything n incence is the best!! Thankyou for quick delivery 😘 a happy costumer

    Christopher Garrett
    The Narrow Way

    Very informative read...

    Sheunesu Dominic Mugabe
    The Narrow Way

    Another excellent work by V.M Samael Aun Weor!