Our world is breaking under the strain of so many problems: addiction, war, pollution, starvation, crime, social unrest, inequality, and widespread despair... Our personal lives are also getting worse: every day there are new restrictions, complications, unexpected problems, and greater instability. Genuine happiness always seems to elude us, and we do not see why. We need real change, radical change, and that can only happen if we see the facts clearly.
“When one discovers the real cause of so much misery and bitterness, it becomes obvious that something can be done...” —Samael Aun Weor
Everyone wants a better world, a better life, and lasting happiness, yet few know how to actually transcend suffering. Theories and beliefs are widespread, but the experience of reality is all that counts.
To truly stop suffering, we need to become very aware of:
“Unquestionably, light and consciousness are two aspects of the same thing. Where there is light, there is consciousness... Only through psychological self-observation do we allow light to penetrate within our own darkness.” —Samael Aun Weor
Society is the outcome of the individual. By changing ourselves within, we change the world around us. This is the genuine foundation of every great spiritual tradition in the world. By truly becoming better people, the world becomes a better place.