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  • Igneous Rose

    A Book by Samael Aun Weor

    Practical Spiritual Techniques That Use Nature's Power to Help Humanity

    • Meditation, Mind, and Becoming a Buddha
    • The Kundalini of the Mental Body
    • Plants That Alleviate Suffering

    All of the great prophets and avatars performed great feats in their effort to assist humanity. This book is a practical guide to follow in their footsteps.

    All those who aspire to incarnate the Christ (also known as Avalokitesvara, Vishnu, Quetzalcoatl, etc.) must first know how to work consciously with the forces of nature. Samael Aun Weor provides detailed information about the elementals of nature, the awakening of the Kundalini of the mental body, the relationship between sex and the mind, the importance of meditation, and the development and perfection of clairvoyance. Although Igneous Rose was written as a companion volume to the famous Esoteric Medicine and Practical Magic, this volume stands alone in the depth of its mysticism and the urgent call to action it sounds.

    “If you want to progress in Nirvana, then you must sacrifice yourself for humanity. My sibling, you must become a bodhisattva of compassion.”

    "We teach our disciples about great Nature’s royal art in our book entitled Igneous Rose. Igneous Rose is a book written for all those who are aspiring to enter onto the Devic path. In the book Igneous Rose, we deeply study the evolution of the elementals of the blessed Goddess Mother of the world. In Igneous Rose we meticulously study the elemental magic of a thousand plants. Therefore, all of those disciples who aspire to enter onto the Devic path must study in depth our book entitled Igneous Rose. We study in depth the elemental life of the earth, air, water and fire in our book Igneous Rose. Seven paths of Cosmic Evolution exist and Igneous Rose is the special book for all those who aspire to the Devic path." - Samael Aun Weor, Esoteric Medicine and Practical Magic

    • Size: 5.5 x 8.5
    • Pages: 260

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 12 reviews
    Diana Maldonado

    Igneous Rose

    A journey through the words

    I have found in reading this book that the experience is much more synced when I am clear minded and aware as I read. It is a journey as I relax and tune into the scripture. Its been amazing to receive insights of my Inner World by reading passages that, to some, would be hard to make sense of. The author blesses us with a message of the heart that, when it reaches you, creates the understanding of the Igneous Rose. It is still something I am coming to know, but as the pages turn and I am settled in, there is inspiration and a connection. What a gift... Thank You

    Great information

    Very practical especially when it comes to the practices with elementals.


    Great book.

    Robbie Phillips
    Life changing information

    After studying through the Tarot and Kabbalah book, I have found this Igneous Rose book to be a great companion. Highly recommend